VAN PI Dimmy
Delivery time: 2 weeks
- PCB variant : board only
- Variant READY : Wired version, fully assembled in the case

Dimmable lighting
With our VAN PI Dimmy PCB you can now also dim your installed lighting and thus switch between a cozy evening atmosphere and cleaning light in the function of your lighting concept. With the plug-in connections it is quick and easy to install and can be used immediately.

7 Channel Wi-Fi DIMMER
Whether LEDs or small fans: With the 7 channels you can control many things continuously. Connected via WiFi or I2C cable, controllable from the touch display , via web interface or via the IoT Bridge via app.
- VIN: 9-16V
- 6 Channels x 3A
- 1 Channel x 10A
- DS18B20 temperature sensor port
- 8x GPIO (Wemos Esp32)
One board – three possibilities
The Dimmy PCB can be used in three versions.
For all information, take a look at Github . For flashing, we provide an online flasher and an onboard flasher (VAN PI OS).
You can use the board as a standalone dimmer via a Wemos ESP32. You then control the individual channels via the GPIOs.
With a Wemos D1 or a Wemos ESP32 and our PekawayMota software you can integrate the Dimmy via Wi-Fi and the control then works via MQTT.
In addition, two temperature sensors can also be connected in this version.
You can connect the Dimmy directly to the relay board via I2C. You don't need to plug in a Wemos for this. VAN PI OS finds the Dimmy directly and everything works plug-and-play.

Passend zum Dimmy Standalone und WI-FI
Damit du unser Dimmy im Standalone oder Wi-Fi-Modus verwenden kannst, benötigst du noch einen passenden Wemos ESP32. Diesen kannst du direkt bei uns bekommen.

Housing for the VAN PI Dimmy
If you don't have your own 3D printer, you can get the right housing from us.
important documents
Everything you need about the products can be found here.
Spec sheet Quickstart Standalone Quickstart WI-FI Quickstart Wired 3D printing files Online Flasher